You Be the Judge – a Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians Workshop

By | November 17, 2022

Thursday, December 1, 2022, at 7pm via Zoom
Presented by VSAP First VP Donald Garrett, PRP

We will review a recent judicial opinion that was substantially based on Robert’s Rules of Order. How well did the judge do? Let’s put on our black robes and find out.

Questions? Email

Register at

Please share with friends and colleagues!

December 2022 Parliamentary Procedure Bootcamp and Membership Workshop

By | November 17, 2022

Would you like to have smoother and more effective meetings or become a better club member or officer? No matter what your level of understanding parliamentary procedure may be, the Northern Virginia Marching and Gavel Society (NOVAMAGS) unit can help enhance that level.

NOVAMAGS is conducting a parliamentary workshop of two sessions. The sessions are Saturday, December 3, and Saturday, December 10, from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m on Zoom. The workshop is designed to enhance your knowledge of parliamentary procedure as well as prepare you to take the National Association of Parliamentarians® (NAP) membership exam.

The cost is $10. Register at

April 30, 2022, Special Meeting Notice

By | March 23, 2022

Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians
April 30, 2022, Special Meeting Notice

            I, Beatrice Squire, PRP, pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 of the Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians (VSAP) Bylaws, hereby give notice of a special meeting of VSAP to be held on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at 10:00 am (EDT) via Zoom.  The purposes of this special meeting to 1) receive and act on committee reports, 2) elect members of the nominating committee, and 3) consider an amendment to the standing rules regarding memorials.

            This will be an electronic meeting through Zoom (  All attendees must be able to access the internet during the meeting and be able to access the Zoom client on an appropriate device to use Zoom’s polling feature ( 

            Upon the conclusion of the business of the special meeting, attendees will be invited to attend an optional educational program on parliamentary procedure (depending on instructor availability).

Registration Instructions

            There is a $15 registration fee payable by credit/debit card or via check payable to VSAP.  Attendees may register electronically at or via the mail. 

Unit/Club Voting Delegate Credentials

            Each Unit and Club receives one (1) delegate for its first five (5) primary members or major fraction thereof, and one (1) delegate for each additional five (5) members or major fraction thereof.  Unit/Club Presidents must certify the name(s) and email address(es) of their delegate(s) via email to by Sunday, April 24, 2022.

Member-at-Large Voting Delegate Credentials

            The VSAP President will appoint members-at-large to voting delegate slots on a first come, first serve basis.

Ex-Officio Delegate Credentials

            Pursuant to Article VII, Section 3A of the VSAP Bylaws, “The Officers and Chairmen of Standing Committees, the Corresponding Secretary, the Editor, and the Historian; [and] Past Presidents of the Association who are members of the Association” are voting members of the association body.  These individuals who register for the meeting will automatically be credentialed as part of the voting body; no additional action is needed.

Tentative Schedule

  • 9:30 am – Zoom Room Opens
  • 10:00 am – Business Meeting
  • 11:00 am – Workshop 1
  • 12:00 pm – Workshop 2
  • 1:00 pm – Workshop 3

April 10, 2021, Virtual Workshop

By | April 1, 2021

2021 M. Stanley Ryan Parliamentary Law Month “Virtual” Workshop!

Saturday April 10, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM!!

Free to the public!!! – register at this link by April 3rd-

The event will be on Zoom.


  • Workshop 1: The World of Parliamentarians
    • Presenter: Valerie Jones, PRP
  • Workshop 2: Becoming a Parliamentarian
    • Presenter: Cynthia Mayo, Ph.D., PRP
  • Workshop 3: The NAP Credentialing Process
    • Presenter: Debra Henry, PRP

April 24, 2021, Special Meeting Notice

By | March 23, 2021

Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians
April 24, 2021, Special Meeting Notice

            I, Lynda J. Baer, PRP-R, pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 of the Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians (VSAP) Bylaws, hereby give notice of a special meeting of VSAP to be held on Saturday, April 24, 2021, at 10:00 am (EDT) via Zoom.  The purpose of this special meeting is to elect VSAP Officers for the 2021-2023 term, elect delegates to the 2021 National Association of Parliamentarians Biennial Convention, and to receive and act on committee reports.

            This will be an electronic meeting through Zoom (  All attendees must be able to access the internet during the meeting and be able to access the Zoom client on an appropriate device to use Zoom’s polling feature ( 

            Upon the conclusion of the business of the special meeting, attendees will be invited to attend an optional educational program on parliamentary procedure.

Registration Instructions

            Visit to register for the meeting.  Individuals must register by Sunday, April 18, 2021, to receive meeting access instructions via email.

Unit/Club Voting Delegate Credentials

            Each Unit and Club receives one (1) delegate for its first five (5) primary members or major fraction thereof, and one (1) delegate for each additional five (5) members or major fraction thereof.  Unit/Club Presidents must certify the name(s) and email address(es) of their delegate(s) via email to by Sunday, April 18, 2021.

Member-at-Large Voting Delegate Credentials

            The VSAP President will appoint members-at-large whom have registered for the meeting to voting delegate slots on a first come, first serve basis.

Nominating Committee Slate

            The VSAP Nominating Committee recommends that the following individuals be elected to VSAP Office:

  • For President: Beatrice Squire, RP
  • For First Vice President: Donald Garrett, PRP
  • For Second Vice President: Dr. Cynthia Mayo, PRP
  • For Secretary: Rhiannon Liker
  • For Treasurer: Arlene Skinner
