Calling Organization Leaders – Prepare to Lead the Democratic Way!
Leaders of organizations must possess the democratic process (parliamentary procedure) to effectively protect all members, while managing the meeting process. The Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians will provide a review session to prepare you to pass the test so that you can become a member of the professional organization that provides parliamentary procedure to the World.
Sponsor: Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019
Time: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM
Location: Virginia Union University, L. Douglas Wilder Library & Learning Resource Center
1500 N. Lombardy Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220
Fee Required: $110.00 This includes the fee for the test and membership in the National Association of Parliamentarians, boxed lunch and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief, 2nd edition. Deadline: March 1, 2019
Click HERE to download the registration form.